• ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System for Standards)

Aviation Simulator

A320 Airbus FBS FTD Flight Simulator Airbus A330 Interior Flight Deck Solutionsr A320 Allegiant  Cockpit Live from the Flight Deck Review | FF A320 Ultimate | X-Plained When an airline buys Airbus aircraft, the training center's simulation time is included as part of the package.

A320 FTD

A320 FTD Flight Deck is developed in order to provide a useful training tool for other Airbus fellow pilots. The goal is to have an individual procedure trainer (IPT) right on the personal laptop or PC. Learning to handle the Airbus A320 and the complex systems should be fun - we believe in "game learning" and hope this software will contribute in this direction.
  • A320 Flight Deck
  • Instructor Station
  • Visual System

A320 Flight Deck

  • Replica panels, highly accurate in size and text placement with accurate switches and knobs.
  • Replica interior trim pieces, highly accurate in size and shape to give the cockpit a realistic look.
  • Replica dual-linked self-centering rudder pedals with toe brakes, adjustable fore and aft with Control Loading (optional).
  • Replica sidesticks.
  • Replica thrust levers with gates complete with reverse levers, trim wheels, fuel shutoff levers and TOGA switches.
  • Replica flap levers complete with gates.
  • Replica tiller, spoiler, parking brake and alternate gear extension handle.
  • Replica Captain and Copilot seats capable of forward and backward mechanical adjustment.
  • Intercom system for communications between pilots, observer and instructor (optional)
  • Oxygen mask with intercom (optional)

Instructor Station

  • Instructor station enclosure.

  • Instructor desk, two 20” flat panel touch monitors.

  • Intuitive Instructor Operating Station software capable of:

  • Easily repositioning the aircraft to a variety of ground and flight positions instantly.

  • Adjusting the time to include dawn, day, dusk, night.

  • Adjusting the weather such as: winds, cloud cover, visibility, rain and snow.

  • Loading saved scenarios to include: aircraft position, aircraft configuration and weather parameters.

  • Simulating a variety of failures to include, but not limited to: engine failures/fires, APU fires, cargo fires, hot/hung starts, flap and gear malfunctions, electrical failures as     well as minor system faults.

  • Displaying a moving map that shows aircraft position, surrounding airports, and navigational aids.

Visual System

  • 180 degree horizontal and 30 degree vertical, curved, movie-quality projector screen and frame.

  • Three overhead projectors to create the high definition visual environment that simulates frontal and side window visual effects.

  • Structure for projector support.