• ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System for Standards)

Digital Photogrammetry

Geo AdithyA Technologies has provided Digital photogrammetric solutions with technically skilled team in Chennai & across India. A lot of changes have occurred since this time and we have been a key driver of new technology. Our derived products go through a barrage of quality control procedures designed to ensure a good product. All Digital photogrammetry services are performed using the most advanced softcopy workstations operating the latest proven software tools.

  • Aerial Triangulation (AT)

    Aerial Triangulation in Photogrammetry is the method of determining and calculating 3-dimensional object coordinates by photogrammetric means,by using photographs exposed from different positions, covering the same object.

  • Digital Elevation Models (DEM)

    A digital elevation model is a regularly-spaced bare-earth raster grid referenced to a common vertical datum. When you filter out non-ground points such as bridges and roads, you are left with a smooth digital elevation model.

  • Digital Surface Models (DSM)

    DSM measures the height values of the first surface on the ground. This includes terrain features, buildings, vegetation and power lines etc. DSM therefore provides a topographic model of the earth's surface.

  • Digital Terrain Models (DTM)

    Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM) is the collection of mass points of elevations and 3D breaklines at each change of terrain using Summit Evolution softcopy workstations.

  • Planimetric Mapping

    Planimetric maps develops natural features with their exact coordinate locations. These features are comprised of vegetation, trails, fences, utility poles, drainage systems, driveways, road boundaries and curbs.

  • Topographic Mapping

    Topographic maps are detailed, accurate graphic representations of features that appear on the Earth's surface. These features include:

    • Cultural

    • Hydrography

    • Relief

    • Vegetation

  • Volume Calculations
  • Contour Generation

    Contours are commonly in vector formats (e.g., shape file, dxf) and derived from a reconstructed TIN of DEM . Contours are among the most commonly used representations for elevations.

  • 3-D Feature Extraction/Elevations

    We provide accurate digital planimetric feature extraction for cartography mapping and 3D topo mapping in industry accepted standard formats.

  • GIS Update Mapping
  • Change Detection

    Timely and accurate change detection of Earth's surface features is extremely important for understanding relationships and interactions between human and natural phenomena in order to promote better decision making. Remote sensing data are primary sources extensively used for change detection in recent decades.

Aerial Triangulation (AT) Digital Elevation Models (DEM) Digital Surface Models (DSM) Digital Terrain Models (DTM) Planimetric Mapping 3d Vector Mapping 3D Buildings Digital Photogrammetry 3D City Modelling Contour Mapping